Landlords urged to have their say in Election
A new website will give landlords in Devon a unique chance to have their say during the General Election campaign.
Developed by the Residential Landlords Association, the site is a hub for all information landlords will need including the policies of all the main parties; exclusive articles from them on their plans for the private rented sector; and key facts about the market.
The site also gives landlords an easy to use tool to find candidates in their area and email them on issues of particular concern to them and to outline key proposals in the RLA’s manifesto for the sector.
Commenting on the site’s launch, RLA Chairman, Alan Ward said: “There are over 1.5 million landlords across the UK who have something important to contribute to the election. In such a tight race their voice could be critical.
“The RLA is calling on all landlords to use the site to engage with candidates in their area and ensure that election debate on rental housing is grounded in fact and pragmatism not fear and ideology.”
The RLA's General Election website can be found here.