Exeter golf course plans finalised
The finalised plans for the golf course alterations are now available at Exeter Golf and Country Club.
Following some weeks of consultation with the golf members, the Board have approved the plans of the work to be carried out over the next six months.
Golf course architect, Tom MacKenzie of MacKenzie Ebert and Exeter Golf and Country Club have appointed experienced golf course construction company 1st Golf to carry out the course alterations.
With the main alteration work commencing Monday 27th April, 1st Golf are carrying out initial enabling works in early April. Exeter Golf and Country Club expect the work to be complete for the start of the 2016 golf season.
The initial sequence of works will involve the extension of the tee on the original 16th, the construction of the new 18th green and pond, followed by the closure of the new 16th and the construction of the new 8th.
The old 16th will be brought back in play before the new 16th is closed and, as a result, a full 18 holes will be maintained and none of this work will disrupt play on the course.
Will Gannon, Chairman said, “I am delighted that the alteration work has commenced earlier than expected so that we will have all the work completed for the 2016 golf season. We are also very pleased that the golf course will remain open as an 18-hole course throughout the work.
The next few months will be exciting as we see the new golf course take shape.
"The new course has an increased yardage which will create a new, more challenging experience for our golfers.”
The Club Chairman, who heads up the Golf Course Committee after being at the forefront of the two year negotiation with Persimmon Homes which has resulted in the alterations to the course, explains that further updates will be communicated in due course to keep members and visitors up to date with progress.
Ongoing suggestions and feedback from members are welcomed by the Golf Course Committee by email to golfcourse@exetergcc.co.uk or at the forthcoming Golf Course Forum on Monday 13th April at 5pm in The Mews.
A golf dinner dance is taking place on Saturday 23rd May to raise funds for a new bridge on the golf course. Tickets are available from reception at Exeter Golf and Country Club.
Exeter Golf and Country Club will be looking for sponsors for tree planting and hole markers for the new course during the coming months. Any companies interested in promoting their business to the 800 golf members regularly playing the course, are invited to contact the club on the aforementioned email address.
Read more and see the plan at www.exetergcc.co.uk/golf-course-update/14296