UKIP’s Bideford walkabout sees huge support

Authored by tidyeyepr
Posted Monday, April 27, 2015 - 1:59pm

UKIP Parliamentary Candidate Derek Sargent and ‘flying column’ supporters hit the streets of Bideford on Saturday morning. Almost everyone spoken to in and around the town’s High Street and Pannier market areas, pledged their support for Derek in the upcoming May 7th election and some said they’d already voted by post.

The days activities began with the discovery of more signage vandalism on Churchill Way, Northam, quite an ironic choice, where a large banner had almost been ripped off a fence but, being a UKIP sign, it tenaciously clung on despite the attack.

One UKIP Councillor, Kenny Davis, said that, “these attacks have escalated from spray painting to this out and out vandalism which in my view is a form of domestic terrorism designed to deny free speech, something UKIP is often accused of.”

In the following video 82 year old UKIP County Councillor Gaston Dezart describes how abusive comments were made from a passing car at Saturday morning’s event and his response.
Another UKIP Councillor, Chris Leather said, “the polls are not at all accurate as he and Derek Sargent have toured the constituency of Torridge and West Devon and have met with overwhelming support, particularly from the farming, small business and fishing communities.
He added, in the video above, that local MP Geoffrey Cox was “worried” and had every right to be.
One business owner of a Cooper Street restaurant said that Mr. Sargent, an ex-Royal Marines captain, will “sail in” on election day. He also mentioned that, “Bideford needs a full time MP, not a part-timer like Geoffrey Cox who earns £1300 an hour when being a QC and second highest paid, yet often conspicuously absent, MP in the UK next to John Prescott.”

Derek Sargent said that, “we have had a very successful and positive day and we will be visible throughout the town and constituency in the coming days.”

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