New digital networking event for Exeter
A brand new networking event is set to kickstart in Exeter this month, set up for anyone interested in the latest digital trends or anyone working in digital.
#DigitalExe has been set up by three individuals passionate about digital and developing a stronger presence in Exeter. Sarah Jones, Rob Glover and Chris Shadrick have a masses of experience between them and are keen to grow this event to become a regular opportunity for like minds to share knowledge and discuss the latest trends.
The first FREE event will take place on Thursday 29 May 2015 from 7pm at the City Gate Pub in Exeter City Centre.
#DigitalExe are excited to announce that the RAMM will be doing a talk on their new World Cultures Digital Initiative and CopyDojo will be discussing how to write sales copy to stand out from the crowd and get customers to take action.
To sign up for the first event please visit: http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/digitalexeter-tickets-16481268919