Local communities at the heart of Tony Hogg's policing plan
Devon and Cornwall’s Police and Crime Commissioner is asking local people to play a bigger part in reducing crime and helping to set policing priorities.
Tony Hogg’s first Police and Crime plan for the force area has now been published for consultation. It is a blueprint for the future success of the force, and one that calls on everyone to play a more active role.
Tony Hogg says: “My aim is to cut both crime and the fear of crime by providing visible, accessible and accountable leadership. However, I want to put local people in the driving seat to formulate local policing priorities.”
“I will be focussing particular attention on the prevention and reduction of crime, strong leadership, listening and responding to the public, giving victims a stronger voice, and Investing in policing for the future.”
“My role as Police and Crime Commissioner has been created to bring the Police force and our communities much closer together, and that is what I am determined to achieve. It’s extremely important that people in Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly have a strong voice.”
“Neighbourhood activity urban and rural areas is fundamental to effective policing. It provides vital intelligence, reassures the public, and binds police and communities together. I will do what I can to protect that, and enhance it further.”
“We live in a relatively low crime region and we should be proud of the Devon and Cornwall Force. However in tough financial times, our priorities and effectiveness must be kept under constant review. Part of my role is to hold the Chief Constable to account for the delivery of the plan.”
The Police and Crime plan has been published for consultation on the PCC website http://www.devonandcornwall-pcc.gov.uk/Take-Part/We-Want-Your-Views.aspx
It is also available, on request, from the PCC office at Endeavour House, Woodwater Park, Pynes Hill, Exeter, EX2 5WH.
Feedback and comments will be welcomed from all interested groups and individuals by February 8th 2013.
Tony Hogg: “Please take time to have a look at my proposals and let me know what you think. It is important that I accurately reflect the policing priorities of local people.”
The Plan will be reviewed by the Police and Crime Panel before being issued on or before March 31st 2013.