Exeter Dementia Action Alliance to officially launch next month
The Exeter Dementia Action Alliance will be officially launching next month at the Royal Albert Memorial Museum with over 100 due to attende from local councillors to city retailers, businesses, people living with dementia and their care givers.
RAMM Community Participation Officer said: “RAMM is proud to be part of the Alliance, this growing community of organisations working towards a dementia-friendly city. At the museum there’s always something to discover – about objects, about the world, about yourself, or the person with you. We value every visitor.”
Gina Awad, leading Exeter Dementia Action Alliance (EDAA), said: "We are gradually building up our members and to hear of RAMM’s inspirational work really does illustrate the museum’s commitment to people living with dementia and their carers in the city. RAMM’s approach recognises the power of 'being in the moment' with people living with dementia and the valuable contributions they can make to the rest of us.”
Throughout the year EDAA have been inspiring city businesses and organisations to join the alliance and become aware of the essential need for working towards an inclusive dementia friendly community.
Gina highlights: "One of the main responses from people diagnosed with a dementia is that they wish to carry on with their lives as before and feel understood.
"Dementia is a complex condition and requires compassion an empathy.
"Raising awareness within the community and delivering dementia friends information sessions has proved extremely beneficial. Last month I was invited to the Council offices and delivered 4 sessions to the staff which was extremely well received. This work is evolving and for now this is just the beginning."