Exeter Symphony Orchestra - The Winter Concert
This November concert features three deeply contrasting works. One of Gerald Finzi’s most popular and immediately appealing pieces - The Clarinet Concerto - with soloist William White.
A concert classic – Les Preludes by Liszt - whose main theme was used for the memorable tune in the Saturday morning children’s cinema series 'Flash Gordon conquers the Universe’, and a most beautiful combination of words and music - ‘Voices of Remembrance’ - by the very successful local composer who has played with us in ESO - Laura Rossi.
Brian Northcott – Musical Director
St. David’s Singers - Mark Perry – Conductor
Gill Crew – Leader
William White – Soloist
Kenneth Parry & Felicity Cawthra - Narrators
Box Office: Tickets are £10 in advance and available online from www.ticketsource.co.uk or from Exeter Visitor Information & Tickets, Dix's Field (01392 665885)
They are also available on the door on the night at £12