Home Front Fashions
The First World War was a time of momentous change for individual people, families and society, when thrift and economy in dress became increasingly important on the home front.
Woollen serge and silk taffeta in dark or neutral colours were frequently worn as the availability of fabrics and dyestuffs was restricted. Practical, hard-wearing suits or ‘costumes’, and washable shirt-waister blouses became a kind of everyday uniform for women in Britain during the war.
This display is part of RAMM’s four-year programme of exhibitions, displays, events and activities that focuses on the First World War’s impact on the people and landscape of the Southwest. Developed with regional and national partners, it examines the wider social and cultural changes that have had a lasting effect on our everyday lives.
Part of First World War Centenary, the national partnership of commemorative events: www.1914.org.