Panel to review new Chief Constable selection

Mary Youlden
Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted Monday, January 28, 2013 - 3:41pm

The newly selected candidate to become Chief Constable of Devon and Cornwall Police Shaun Sawyer is due to go before the Police and Crime Panel for approval on Friday 8th February.

Mr Sawyer will attend the public confirmatory hearing of the panel to answer any questions on professional competence and personal independence.

Councillor Roger Croad, Chair of the Police and Crime Panel, said: "The Chief Constable is a really important appointment and the panel is working on behalf of the people in Devon and Cornwall to make sure the Police and Crime Commissioner gets it right."

The meeting will be webcast live on Plymouth City Council’s website as the host council for the panel. The panel will deliberate in private following the hearing and the decision will be announced to the public five working days after the hearing.

The panel scrutinises and supports the performance and activities of the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC).

It will:

  • Scrutinise the PCC’s proposed council tax precept for policing – which the panel may veto;
  • Scrutinise the PCC’s proposed appointment of a Chief Constable – which it may veto;
  • Review the Police and Crime Plan and annual report;
  • Scrutinise the actions and decisions of the PCC (but not the Performance of the police force);
  • Consider complaints against the PCC of a non-criminal nature.

The Panel is made up of 18 councillors from each local authority in the Devon and Cornwall police area and two co-opted independent members.

The panel meetings are open to the public. Members of the public can ask questions (up to two questions per person per meeting, up to 100 words per question). At the start of each meeting, 30 minutes will be allocated to questions asked by members of the public. Responses may be oral or written. Questions must be put in writing to the Democratic and Member Support Manager at Plymouth City Council at least five clear working days before the panel meeting.




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