Seagull eats baby pigeon alive
Shoppers watched in horror as a seagull devoured a baby pigeon ALIVE in Exeter city centre.
The stricken young bird was targeted by a lone gull which slowly pecked its prey to death.
Beacon Heath resident William Corden, who witnessed the attack, said some people ran away because the scene was so disturbing.
“I couldn’t believe what I was witnessing,” he said.
“The baby pigeon couldn’t fly and the seagull homed in on it.
“At first I just thought it was some sort of fight but then it became clear that the seagull was eating the poor pigeon alive.
“Like many people, I am not a fan of pigeons but this was just horrific to witness and seems to demonstrate just how aggressive gulls are becoming.”
Just last year a Honiton resident told how her dog had been killed by seagulls.
The Express & Echo reported how Nikki Wayne found her chihuahua puppy Bella being attacked by the birds in her back garden.
She had previously witnessed the gulls dive for Bella and had tried to never let the dog play outside alone.
But tragedy struck when her owner was in the shower and Bella managed to nudge open a slightly ajar door and was killed by the birds.
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