New members wanted for Exeter Cancer User Group
Anyone with experience of the RD&E’s cancer services is being invited to help boost public and patient membership of a joint group set up by the Trust.
The Trust has set up the Exeter Cancer User Group as part of its commitment to continuously improve its cancer services.
One of its key aims is to hear the views and experiences of both past and present cancer patients and their families/carers and in particular identify ways they feel the Trust can develop and strengthen its cancer services.
The level of commitment needed for anyone wanting to join is very light and everyone’s participation will help improve care for hundreds of cancer sufferers every year. The group is attended by specialist cancer nurses and administrative staff.
The group’s chairman Mac Merrett said: “The group’s primary purpose is supporting the RD&E’s vital work treating cancer rather than supporting patients, relatives and carers for which there are other groups.
“Even though we are blessed with a marvellous set of cancer treatment services from the RD&E, there are ways in which the experience might be improved – and we’ll be able to do that better with more members.
“We aren’t a pressure group, support group or a forum for grievances; our interest is exchanging ideas and opinions and giving the staff here the view of past and present patients and those closest to them.”
Some members are also involved in the regional Peninsular Cancer Network so they can draw on experiences elsewhere across Devon and Cornwall to improve RD&E services.
Keith Mitchell, the RD&E’s Cancer Services Clinical Project Nurse for ‘Living With and Beyond a Cancer Diagnosis’, said: “We see hundreds of potential recruits for the Exeter Cancer User Group every year, so I hope a few more will step forward as members.
“It’s an important forum for making sure that while our clinical teams focus on treating cancer, our patients and their carers or relatives are able to help us improve their time here and the way we go about treating them.”
The group was set up in 2008 and at its peak had 15 members. To join or to find out more, please call Keith Mitchell on 01392 406513 or contact Mac Merrett by email: malcolm.merrett@btopenworld.com