Exciting future for Chagford
Dartmoor National Park Authority’s Planning Committee has approved a major planning application in Chagford that will see the community continue to thrive for years to come.
The development, put forward by CG Fry & Son Ltd, is for 93 houses, new public car park and link road, employment space, new fire station, public toilets, and public open space. It includes 28 affordable homes and is one of the largest housing developments to be approved within the National Park.
An earlier approval for 15 units of specialist housing for older people being developed by Blue Cedar Homes is already underway. Today’s approval is on the remainder of the site, and delivers the vision set out by Chagford Parish Council in its 2007 Chagford Design Statement, which set out to deliver new affordable homes, provide a new car park and rejuvenate the town.
To provide certainty for the town’s vision, Dartmoor National Park Authority (DNPA) allocated the site in its 2013 Local Plan.
A Masterplan, supported by DNPA and CG Fry and Son, then brought the town together to shape how best to develop the site and deliver the community’s vision. The final scheme is of a high quality design, and provides a mix of energy efficient new homes. DNPA planners have also successfully negotiated a range of community benefits at a challenging time for the delivery of affordable housing.
The Parish Council has played a fundamental part in bringing this development forward, along with Dartmoor National Park planners, and support of the Chagford Community Trust. With this planning approval the way is now clear to realise the Chagford Design Group’s Vision ‘to ensure Chagford remains economically viable with a vibrant community spirit’.
James McInnes, Chairman of the Committee said: "This is perhaps the largest scale housing application ever to come before the community or anywhere else in the National Park for that matter. It is interesting to note that on such a large scale proposal there has been almost overwhelming support of the key stakeholders.
"This illustrates the benefits of working in partnership with the local community. The Planning Committee was pleased to be able to endorse a high quality scheme put forward by award winning builders and look forward to seeing the completed project and the community benefits that will flow from that.”