Teignbridge to host free landlord open evening
Teignbridge District Council is holding a free open evening for anyone interested in letting property.
The event covers all areas of buy to let and brings together experts and industry providers under one roof, giving landlords the opportunity to network and gain all the information they need to run tenancies effectively.
Open to all Teignbridge landlords, the free open evening takes place on Thursday 19 May at Old Forde House from 4.30pm-8pm.
No booking is required, with free parking and refreshments provided.
Featuring over 30 exhibitors, trade stands and government bodies will be on hand to answer questions. A range of industry experts will also be offering mini seminars, covering all aspects of your business, including tax advice, investing in property, information on the latest legislation, buying and selling at auction and more.
There will be the opportunity for both first time buyers and seasoned landlords to discuss their particular circumstances, with representatives from landlord associations, financial and legal advice, Trading Standards, Home Office, Fire Officers, alongside Teignbridge District Council’s Housing officers and services including housing, revenue and benefits and landlord liaison, plus more.
Cllr Humphrey Clemens, Teignbridge District Council’s Executive member for Planning and Housing said: "This is a wonderful opportunity for Teignbridge landlords of all experiences to learn about letting property."
"It’s great to see such expertise all meeting under one roof, giving landlords the chance to have their questions answered, pick up useful tips and ask for any specific advice. Teignbridge is committed towards providing a great place to live and events like this mean we can offer help, guidance and support to our communities."
Visitors to the open evening will have the opportunity to win a voucher from Denman’s Electrical worth £280 towards a Quantum high-heat retention heater or free landlord training.
For more information and to sign up to regular newsletters, visit www.teignbridge.gov.uk/landlords