Donkey Sanctuary celebrates Volunteers Week
Volunteers at The Donkey Sanctuary will be thanked for giving the gift of time in celebrations to mark National Volunteers’ Week 2016, which runs from 1-12 June.
People who volunteer for the Sanctuary are valued as true champions giving the precious gift of their time. Volunteers are central to the work of countless charities and other organisations. They are a valuable presence in many communities, helping out in places as diverse as sports clubs, libraries, schools and hospitals.
Volunteer Manager Sara Blair says: “As a charity, The Donkey Sanctuary depends on their team of dedicated volunteers. Whether it is for the donkeys, for those who are using our services, or for the people who are supporting our work as visitors to The Donkey Sanctuary. Volunteers help to make The Donkey Sanctuary a better place to be, work and visit.”
Hundreds of events will be taking place across the country to mark National Volunteers' Week. The annual campaign, which was established in 1984, recognises the contribution volunteers make to our communities every day. This year it has been extended by an additional five days, enabling more people than ever to take part.
For more information on giving the gift of time to The Donkey Sanctuary you can visit their website www.thedonkeysanctuary.org.uk/volunteer and discover all of the volunteering opportunities available.