Fun, open-air, family performance - open to all!!
Something rather lovely is happening in Heavitree, Exeter and it's intergenerational!
JoJo Spinks of Interwoven Productions, a local performance arts company, says: “The South Lawn Terrace project has been an absolute joy because of the participation of the people there. St Michael CofE Primary School linked up with the Beavers of the 2nd Exeter Scout Group and produced some brilliant joint-project work based on the Victorian history of the street, ably assisted by members of the Heavitree Local History Society. As part of the project, we were delighted to host a Tea Party in St Michael's school hall for local residents to come and have a look at the children's work.”
A group of children from the school even visited a Memory Café run by the Friends of Heavitree Health Centre to do a heart-warming and very successful piece of intergenerational memory work.
Interwoven Productions offers its ongoing services to the Heavitree community under the heading of the Heavitree Squilometre project. Residents are invited to vote for a street – any street, place or feature that they would like to celebrate as a community. Then the Interwoven artists reach, like coloured thread, joining up what is already there, weaving a fabric of the whole, turning it into open-access performance - all the time directed by and commissioned by the people who live in that place.
One street's audience pays-it-forward to the next, knowing that the Gift goes around and around inside their own square kilometre – or Squilometre, encouraging goodwill and introducing neighbour to neighbour as the project goes on.
JoJo explains “We don't make any charge to see any of our performances but, instead, ask each audience to "pay-it-forward" so that the next one can happen. In fact this project in South Lawn Terrace is a gift from the people of Sweetbrier Lane! You can make a donation by popping something in the hat on the day but if you would like to make your donation up front or to show your support for this unique way of working please do visit the Commission Pot on our website. We pledge that all donation goes directly to creating this kind of community-commissioned and involved, open-access performance“.
The South Lawn Terrace intergenerational project will culminate in a series of open-access, open-air performances, celebrating the street, all through July 2016.
Performance dates (all Sunday afternoons)
26th June 2016 – First performance 2.00 p.m. Second 4.00 p.m.
3rd July 2016 – First performance 2.00 p.m. Second 4.00 p.m.
10th July 2016 – First performance 2.00 p.m. Second 4.00 p.m.
17th July 2016 – First performance 2.00 p.m. Second 4.00 p.m.
PRE-BOOKING though, is ESSENTIAL, so that we can manage numbers and let you know if rain has stopped play.
Call/text: JoJo Spinks at 07855 935137 or Email: interwoven@jojospinks.com or book through the website at: http://interwovenproductions.jojospinks.com/south-lawn-terrace.html
The South Lawn Terrace intergenerational project is supported by Exeter City Council.