Exeter Army Careers Centre hosts Schools’ Challenge
For the first time since 2012, the Exeter Army Careers Centre is hosting the Devon & Somerset Schools’ Challenge.
As the name suggests the event is a competition between visiting local schools, where they will participate in a variety of Army themed exercises, designed to test and develop their communication skills, team-working and leadership.
Starting from Tuesday the 21st and concluding on Thursday the 23rd, 42 different schools & colleges from across Devon and Somerset will meet at the WestPoint Arena, in Exeter to compete for one of three Schools Challenge Trophies, to be presented to the winning team at the end of each event day.
The event was for 14 years, a highlight of the regional educational calendar and its return this year has been welcomed by the large number of visiting schools and colleges. Teams of 10 students have been entered to compete against each other, whilst representing their college. Each team will complete a ‘Round-Robin’ of activities, with the aim of posting the best aggregate score. Activities include a mini-assault course, a climbing wall challenge and various problem solving exercises involving notional ravines, ropes, barrels and planks!
From the Army’s perspective, in addition to giving students an exciting character-building day away from school, the aim is to showcase some of the Army’s capabilities to teachers and heads, interested in calling on the Army to deliver extra-curricular programmes. In addition, it is also an insight into the skills the Army require, as the UK’s biggest apprenticeship provider, particularly to those wanting to pursue specialist technical role, that comes with civilian qualifications. The ‘Key Skills’ being developed and tested during the Schools’ Challenge are valuable to the Army and virtually any other major employer.
Major Arthur Norman-Walker MBE, Senior Careers Advisor, said: “I am delighted that ‘Schools’ Challenge’ is back. It’s a great day out, for both students and teachers, and it enables the Army to lay on something that really benefits young people, as they develop many of those ‘Key Skills’ that employers are looking for. We’re looking forward to opening the event on Tuesday 21st June, (and we’re praying for good weather!)."