National Citizen Service celebrates SW student talent
The National Citizen Service has shown its support for the South West’s future talent and skills by sponsoring the Big Bang Fair South West Award Ceremony, the region’s biggest celebration of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.
The event which is run by the CSW Group and hosted by the University of Exeter, is entering is sixth year and will welcome two thousand young people from schools in the region. The students will be competing to reach the national finals of the Big Bang Science and Engineering competition and to be crowned Young Scientist or Engineer of the year. As many as one hundred projects will be judged by one hundred judges from businesses in the area keen to encourage innovation and excellence. The activity is designed to help young people see how exciting and rewarding a career in science, technology, engineering and maths can be. UK industries that rely on recruiting people with these skills say we are facing a skills shortage which if not filled will see us fall behind competitors elsewhere in the world.
At the event students will also get to meet more than fifty local, national and internal employers who are there to show off the exciting career opportunities available to them. In addition, students will be treated to a huge interactive “Mega-Class” led by the National Space Academy and a fantastic science lecture with TV science presenter Simon Watt.
Paul Hobson, the CEO of the organising company CSW Group said, “At The Big Bang Fair South West I look forward immensely to meeting and encouraging the brilliant new talent that will stimulate the exciting future ahead for them.”
The University of Exeter’s Vice Chancellor and Chief Executive Sir Steve Smith said, “The event provides a platform to showcase the excellent projects that the participating students have been undertaking at school and is a great way to highlight the huge range of employment opportunities that these subjects offer.”
The event will culminate in an exciting award ceremony, sponsored by the National Citizen Service, giving the winning students their moment in the spotlight on stage to receive their awards for their outstanding achievements.