Reduced parking fees in EDDC car parks
Anyone planning to shop for Christmas in East Devon’s lovely towns this year or explore the district’s beautiful countryside can take advantage of the district council’s winter parking special offer and park in any EDDC car park for just £2 a day after 10am.
The cut-down tariff was introduced on November 1 and runs until March 31 2017. It’s great value for shoppers who can take their time as the ticket will cover them for the rest of the day, up until midnight.
The temporary tariff will also support local shops, cafes and restaurants during the traditionally quieter months of January and February.
The special offer tickets are available only in East Devon District Council’s 39 pay and display car parks, and excludes Parkmobile payments and Permit Holders. The 10am start time avoids car parks becoming blocked by commuters and (in the case of Honiton, Axminster and Exmouth) by rail commuters.
Customers should note that the ticket will not show the expiry time of midnight, but parking officers will be checking that the £2 has been paid after 10am, which will allow parking for the rest of the day. The £2 ticket is transferable too so if you want to move to another EDDC car park during the day you are able to do so.
Councillor Iain Chubb, East Devon District Council’s portfolio holder for the environment, said; “We are already beginning to see more £2 tickets appearing in windscreens and we expect even more people to take up this fantastic offer in the lead up to Christmas. It's a thank you to our loyal customers and we hope it will also support all of our local town centre businesses.
“The £2 tickets are also an opportunity to explore our wonderful district and World Heritage Site Jurassic coastline as there is so much to see and do. You can park up and go for a stroll without having to think about getting back to your car by a certain time. Retail therapy, gentle exercise – no worries! ”