CAB calls on employers to play fair on wages

Local charity, Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau, is today calling on employers to play fair when it comes to paying staff wages, following an increase in enquiries from clients who have started new jobs but had lengthy delays in receiving their first wage packet.

Steve Barriball, Chief Executive of Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau said:

“In one example, it took an employer more than six weeks to pay the employee their first wage. Such delays are unacceptable and leave people unable to pay their bills and with no money for daily living expenses. If employers don’t resolve such problems quickly, they potentially leave themselves open to defending a claim at an employment tribunal or being sued for damages or breach of contract

Steve finished by saying:

“If you don't get paid, or you're paid late, this counts as a deduction from wages. Your employer may be breaking the law. If you think that your employer has withheld pay that you are entitled to, you should first try and resolve the problem by talking to your employer. If talking to your employer doesn’t work, you should raise a written grievance, detailing your complaint.”  

For more information visit the Citizens Advice website or telephone Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau on 08444 111 444.

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