Danny Dorling’s Exeter talk hits 1million views
See the world anew and discover hope for the future says Danny Dorling as his TEDxExeter talk is viewed over 1 million times on TED.com.
Danny’s talk has now been viewed over 1 million times on TED.com by a global audience and many more people have heard about the constant, incremental changes for the better that rarely feature in the print and broadcast media.
What does the world look like when you map it using data? In his TEDxExeter talk, Maps that show us who we are (not just where we are). social geographer Danny Dorling invites us to see the world anew, demonstrating that there are a huge number of good news stories in the world. Against a backdrop of Ben Henna’s captivating and insightful maps he shows the Earth as it truly is — a connected, ever-changing and fascinating place in which we all belong. You'll never look at a map the same way again.
“I’m very glad that so many people have now viewed TED.com the talk I gave at TEDxExeter” said Danny Dorling. “In it I examine new ways of viewing the world, its future, and how we can be a little less afraid if we do not see other people as being our enemy as much as we currently do. We currently fear people from other countries too much, we fear that those in faraway places are taking ‘our jobs’, we fear what we do not know. But if we begin to see the world as a whole, as the place from which we all get our food, as the place that we all pollute, then as our global population begins to stabilise we can learn to become less fearful.”
“I hope you watch the talk if only to see the weird and wonderful ways in which Benjamin Hennig has remapped the planet. Seeing the earth shaped in proportion to the amount of rain that falls, and how that changes over a year, shows the planet as a single entity that almost appears to have an annual heartbeat. Seeing all the humans of the world drawn on a single projection can help us realise that imagining all of humanity as one is not beyond the scope of our collective imaginations. Let’s see the world anew!”
TEDxExeter’s licensee and curator Claire Kennedy adds: “We work hard to bring exceptional speakers to share their ideas at TEDxExeter and we are delighted that Danny’s TEDxExeter talk has been viewed by over a million people - a truly global audience”,
“Ideas generated here at TEDxExeter inspire and impact people in incredible ways. Our audience grows bigger each year, both the audience watching our event live on the day and through the livestream, and those who watch our talks online afterwards. Our TEDxExeter talks have been viewed over 10 million times, and rising, and having more talks on TED.com will increase the reach and impact of our speakers’ ideas.”
This is the 6th TEDxExeter talk to be featured on TED.com. Karima Bennoune shares stories of real people fighting against fundamentalism in their own communities; Scilla Elworthy speaks on non violence; Bandi Mbubi calls for fair trade phones; and slam poet Harry Baker wins over audiences with his love poem for lonely prime numbers. Four of our TEDxExeter 2016 talks have been selected to be featured on TED.com including this talk by Danny Dorling and Manwar Ali’s powerful plea to reclaim the meaning of jihad.
Some TEDxExeter talks have been featured by TED as among the best of the best. Two of the nine talks on TED.com’s Road to Peace playlist are from TEDxExeter, the Talks to Restore your Faith in Humanity contains a talk from TEDxExeter, and Michelle Ryan’s 2015 talk tops the TEDx YouTube playlist on The Way we Work.