Exeter Board awards Citizens Advice Bureau £15,000

Local charity, Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau has received a Community Grant of just over £15,000 from the recently formed Exeter Board.

The money will be used to provide additional specialist advice and information services following the introduction of the Coalition Government's Welfare Reform Act.

The Bill provides for the introduction of a 'Universal Credit' to replace a range of existing means-tested benefits and tax credits for people of working age, starting from 2013.

A key measure in the Welfare Reform Act is to replace Disability Living Allowance for eligible working age people (aged 16 to 64) with a new benefit, Personal Independence Payment, from April 2013.

Devon County Council's Liaison member for Exeter, Andrew Leadbetter says; "I am delighted that we are able to help Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau. We recognise what an excellent job they do and we feel this is a very good use of our money, providing a service that all residents of Exeter can access - and of course you never know when due to a change in circumstances you may need their help."

Steve Barriball Chief Executive of Exeter CAB said; "Obviously there are huge changes happening to the welfare system and currently we do not have the funding required to help people who may be affected by these reforms. We are delighted to have received this grant, because we'll be able to provide specialist advice to help clients during the first year of transition to the new welfare system. We were invited to talk to the Exeter Board in November 2012 about the impact of the changes, and made our funding bid on the back of the support we received from members at the meeting."

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