Is your Business missing a unique opportunity?

Authored by JAMIII
Posted Wednesday, February 6, 2013 - 4:23pm

The Exeter Daily, Exeter's only online newspaper powered by the peo​ple, is already a huge success - with over 35,000 unique users & 175,000 page views since launching in October 2012, and usage is increasing by almost 40% month on month!

With our unique 21st century proposition - local people publishing local news - the average user spends a great deal of time either writing articles or looking at news, events and articles on The Exeter Daily website. This presents a fantastic opportunity for advertisers and sponsors looking to reach a more engaged audience. And as we know our users are Exeter-based or have a keen interest in the city, The Exeter Daily represents a highly targeted and relevant audience for your message.

With ad rates from just £199 + VAT, call today for our special New Year discounts or to discuss a customised package for your business.

STOP PRESS: Daily (UK) Ltd is pleased to announce new Daily sites launching soon in key UK locations. Call today for further information and special launch rates!

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