Budget approved to maintain police officer numbers

The Devon & Cornwall Police & Crime Panel has approved plans to raise the policing part of the Council tax precept by 2%. This equates to an increase, on average, of £3.19 per household per year.

Police and Crime Commissioner Tony Hogg says: “We believed that not raising the police part of the council tax during the next financial year would have a major impact on policing in Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. It would have meant that officer numbers may have fallen to well below 3,000.

“We are working hard to maintain officer numbers at their current levels and there was a real need for the Force to increase funds to be able do this.“

Today’s panel meeting also confirmed the appointment of Chief Constable Shaun Sawyer.

He has been the temporary Chief Constable since the departure of Stephen Otter early in 2012.

Tony Hogg says: “Shaun Sawyer was the outstanding candidate during the selection and interview process and has demonstrated a clear vision and strong leadership. We have already built an excellent working relationship, and I am now keen to build on that further as we develop our strategic policing plan for this area."

The panel spent some time considering the Police and Crime plan, which sets out the priorities of the Commissioner, in close liaison with the Chief Constable. These include:

  • Reducing crime and bringing offenders to justice
  • Giving victims and witnesses a stronger voice
  • Listening and responding to the public
  • Strong leadership at every level
  • Investing in policing for the future.

The final Police and Crime plan has to be issued on or before March 31st 2013

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