Exeter Junior School launches Project 500 for World Book Day
In honour of World Book Day, Exeter Junior School's librarians launched 'Project 500' an exciting reading initiative that promotes Science reading for pleasure.
The librarians introduced a whole selection of newly purchased Science books that have been given pride of place in our library this week and are available to borrow straight away.
Pupil librarian Alex Leaver (U1B) explained: "Science books tell us a great deal about the world around us and they can be very interesting - and fun - to read."
Libraries often have many great science books for you to choose from - just find the books numbered 500-600! Hence, the project's name 'Project 500'.
English teacher Leah Hardy said: "We are challenging our pupils to read some science books and to take part in some science book activities.
"Pupils who wish to take part should collect a passport from their Form Tutor. When they read a book or undertake an activity, they will be given one or more planet stickers.
"If all 8 planet stickers are gained, they will have read their way through the solar system! Pupils will then be awarded a Project 500 certificate in assembly to celebrate their achievement.
Pupils' work, photographs and pictures will be displayed in Exeter Junior School in a 'Project 500' display.
It could be that pupils simply read some science books or even better, a book-related activity could be undertaken. This will earn pupils more stickers and show responses to the books.
Ideas for science book related activities and questions to think about when reading Science books will be given out with the passports.
"Science reading can be books from home, school or a local library, just remember to make a note of the book you have read on the back of your passport. Good luck and enjoy your super science reading," said Mrs Hardy.