Thompson Jenner’s annual Budget breakfast briefing success
More than 60 clients and introducers attended the annual Thompson Jenner LLP Budget breakfast briefing 2017 at the Woodbury Park Hotel and Golf Club on the 9th March.
Guests were welcomed with the customary bacon butty breakfast before networking and listening to three presentations.
Thompson Jenner’s Head of Taxation, Geoff Fraser, delivered the Budget presentation report covering the key highlights from the previous day’s Spring Budget announcements. Issues covered included: changes in business rates, tax hikes for the self-employed, making tax digital update and the introduction of the apprenticeship levy.
Other presenters on the day were Phil Sampson of Sampson Hall and Paul McCarthy of ThinkIT. They gave informative presentations on the topical subject of Cyber Security and the protection of data. This covered making business owners and staff aware of the threats and some of the preventative measures that can be taken to minimize potential risks.
Neil Curtis, Thompson Jenner’s Managing Partner, said “Our annual breakfast Budget event is now firmly in the calendar and is always very popular with our clients and professional colleagues who need an overview of the key announcements. We also like to have additional presentations on other issues that are affecting our clients and this year’s Cyber Security presentations were particularly well received.”
As this was the last Spring Budget with the main announcements moving to the Autumn, it will not be that long until the next Budget breakfast briefing is being organised. If you would like to be on the invite list please email events@tjllp.com.