Exeter School gives thanks to its founders
Exeter School's annual Founders' Day Service was held at Exeter Cathedral on Wednesday 22 March.
The whole school, comprising boys and girls aged 7-18, staff and governors, gathered to give thanks to its founders in a beautiful service.
The Bishop of Crediton, the Right Reverend Dame Sarah Mullally reflected on the generosity of God's love.
The service was conducted by the School Chaplain, Revd Tom Carson.
Katie, Todd, Huw and Georgia from the Junior School led the intercessions beautifully.
Alumnus Chairman of Governors, Andrew King read the Act of Commemoration together with Head Boy George Milner and Head Girl Sophie Jefferson.
The music was led ably by the Director of Music Peter Tamblyn and the organ was played beautifully by Andrew Daldorph.
Bishop Sarah gave the blessing at the end.
The Lord Mayor entered the Cathedral to Prelude from Te Deum by Marc-Antoine Charpentier played by the school's Senior Brass Ensemble and exited to Overture to the Thieving Magpie by Gioachino Rossini, played by the Symphony Orchestra.
The school's Chamber Choir performed Dashing Away with the Smoothing Iron arranged by John Rutter, and Locus Iste by Anton Bruckner beautifully. The Junior and Middle School Choirs combined to sing For The Beauty of the Earth by John Rutter.
Governors Gillian Hodgetts and Tim Hawkins, and OE Club Chair James Brown - all former pupils of Exeter School - were also in attendance.
A cream tea followed for staff and Sixth Formers.
Thanks to everyone who made this significant event in the school's calendar so enjoyable and run so smoothly.