Community events for Dying Matters Awareness Week
Aly Dickinson End of Life Doula with Living Well Dying Well and Dr Max Mackay James GP and lead for Diealog are hosting Workshops for Dying Matters Awareness Week. .
Both Aly and Max work in their Communities to support people to have choice and control over their death so that a person can die in the place they choose, with the care they want, surrounded by the people they love. Max says ‘Death and Dying will happen to all of us –we should live as we would want to right until the very end’. Aly believes that dying has become over medicalised and removed from the person dying and the people they love.
She says that ‘part of our role is to reclaim and bring our dying and death back home - we support people to do this if that is what they want’.
Did you know
• Just 35% of adults said they had made a will
• Just 30% had let someone know their funeral wishes
• Just 7% had written down wishes or preferences about the care they would want if they couldn’t make decisions
• Just 25% had asked a family member about their end of life wishes
• Just 33% registered to be an organ donor
• 70% of us want to die at home yet 50% die in hospital?
• The average cost of a funeral is £3,500?
• That you can arrange your own funeral?
• That you Partner has no automatic legal right to speak on your behalf?
• That you can refuse invasive and unnecessary treatments and procedures at end of life by making An Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment?
That’s why we are hosting the following Community Events During Dying Matters Awareness Week in Exeter
7 May: 10 am-4pm at Exeter Community Centre 17 St David’s Hill Exeter EX4 3RG - Dying at Home.
8 May: 10 am to 4 pm at Exeter Community Centre 17 St David’s Hill Exeter EX4 3RG - Planning for your End of Life So You Can Get on with Living.
For further information and a booking form please email Alizoun@alid.co.uk or call 07887 840663