A Festival of Psalms with Exeter Philharmonic Choir
Bernstein – Chichester Psalms
Rutter – Psalmfest
Elgar – Great is the Lord
with David Davies – Organ
Conductor: Andrew Millington
7.30pm The Mint Methodist Church, Fore St., Exeter
Buy tickets unreserved £12 - online at www.exephil.org.uk or call EPC Tickets 01392 499211 or Box Office, Exeter Visitor Information & Tickets, Dix's Field, Exeter 01392 665885
The words of the psalms, covering praise, prayer, reflection and lamentation have inspired composers through the ages. Our programme presents three 20th-century works which are contrasting in style. Elgar's Great is the Lord has an Edwardian splendour; Rutter's Psalmfest is full of variety, comprising movements written over a span of 20 years; Bernstein's Chichester Psalms (sung in Hebrew) is captivating with its colourful accompaniment of organ, harp and percussion.