New £1 coins only at council car parks from 1 July
Drivers are being encouraged to check they’ve swapped the ‘old for the new’ before they park in any of Exeter City Council’s car parks.
From Saturday July 1, payment machines in City Council-owned car parks will only accept the new 12-sided new pound coins.
At the same time, people are able to ‘go cashless’ by using card or phone payments as quicker ways to pay.
Although old one pound coins don’t go out of circulation until October 15, 2017, Exeter needed to bring the switch in earlier than planned to avoid making expensive changes to cash handling processes to enable its bank to accept the different coins during the co-circulation period.
Exeter has upgraded and converted all the council’s parking machines to enable payment either by card or phone, and to take the new 12-sided one pound coins.
PayByPhone is not available in three of our car parks ( Guildhall, Mary Arches and John Lewis) due to them being Pay on Foot payment systems.
Colourful signs have been put up at car parks across the city informing drivers of the change.
To find out where your nearest Exeter City Council-owned car park is visit www.exeter.gov.uk/carparks