Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau “braced” for welfare reforms

Local charity, Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau, is responding to a new report from the Resolution Foundation that warns that 3.2 million of the poorest households in the Country will see increases to their Council Tax bills from April.

Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau Chief Executive, Steve Barriball said:

"We are bracing ourselves for an influx of people on low incomes who will build up arrears that they can't pay. A 10% cut in support for council tax gives local authorities little choice other than to chase much-needed revenue from the poorest residents. We are deeply concerned that we will see not only an increase in people struggling with unmanageable debt, but also the knock-on effect of increased bailiff action and the mental stress and anxiety this brings.”

Steve continued:

"The postcode lottery of support and charges this system creates completely undermines the Government's ambition to simplify the benefits system. We'd like to see Council Tax support incorporated into Universal Credit to support the goal of simplicity and minimise arrears.”

Exeter Citizens Advice Bureau is working closely with Exeter City Council to help mitigate the impact this new system could have on working-age families. The CAB has made arrangements with Exeter City Council for every household to receive a Help with Debt factsheet with council tax bills.

Cllr Ian Martin, Exeter City Council's Lead Councillor for Business Transformation and Human Resources said:

“The government has cut support for people paying council tax by 10%. We have no spare budgets to replace that money. We are eager to work closer with the CAB and other partners to provide the best positive advice to residents faced with the benefit cut.”

Steve finished by saying:

“Meeting these levels of demand for advice is going to be a real challenge for us. We are doing all with can with limited resources. Clients can help by checking information on our website  www.adviceguide.org.uk. We also have an improved telephone advice service which is open longer, from 10am – 4pm each weekday and would ask that clients try contacting us by telephone on 08444 111 444 in the first instance.”

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