In Turbulent Times: Be a Quaker

News Desk
Authored by News Desk
Posted Thursday, September 21, 2017 - 3:46pm

Every year, Quakers in Britain organise a ‘Quaker Week’ – a time to focus on the core principles of Quaker belief and practice and to reach out to the surrounding community to publicise those beliefs and the work that arises from them, as well as to engage with people of all faiths and none to encourage a discussion of our world and its issues.

The theme of Quaker Week this year is “In Turbulent Times: be a Quaker”

What do Quakers say?

  • There is something sacred in all people
  • All people are equal before God
  • Religion is about the whole of life
  • In stillness we find a deeper sense of God
  • True religion leads to a respect for the earth and all life upon it
  • Each person is unique, precious, a child of God

Exeter Quakers are holding the following events:

  • Outdoor Meeting for Worship in Bedford Street on Sunday, 1 October from 11.15am
  • Outreach event in St Stephen’s Church on Thursday, 5 October, 10.30am – 4pm including a Meeting for Worship, refreshments, an information stall and a video presentation
  • Talk on Conscientious Objectors in Devon at Exeter Meeting House, Wynards Lane (opposite the Magdalen Chapter) on Friday, 6 October, 7pm
  • Taking part in the early morning Pause for Thought slot on Radio Devon

Quakers activities and actions  -  We live in interesting, difficult times.  

Quakers are active internationally, at the UN and in Syria as well as other places where people are in need of support.

Quakers are active nationally, lobbying and working for action on climate change and renewable energy, housing a homelessness, peace and disarmament.

Quakers are active locally, supporting Exeter Foodbank, maintaining close ties with Exeter Mosque and the Muslim community and encouraging contacts and greater understanding between different faiths and communities, supporting homelessness projects and refugee support.

Quakers and today’s world

Quakers work for peace and understanding between people, for all to be valued in our society, for an end to exploitation and abuse.  This statement by London Meeting in 1987 still rings very true today...

“We are angered by actions which have knowingly led to the polarization of our country – into the affluent, who epitomise success according to the values of a materialistic society, and the ‘have-leasts’, who by the expectations of that same society  are oppressed, judged, found wanting and punished.  We value that of God in each person, and affirm the right of everyone to contribute to society and share in life’s good things, beyond the basic necessities”

For further information visit

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