Don't miss your chance to vote!
People living in Exeter are being urged to complete their electoral registration forms so that they can vote in next year’s City Council elections.
Over 52,000 household enquiry forms went out to all homes in the city at the start of August, followed by reminders in early September. However, there are still 12,000 households which have not completed a return.
This is the final step in compiling and preparing the 2018 Register of Electors for Exeter. People who fail to complete and return the form may not be included on the Register and will lose their right to vote.
Jeff Chalk, Electoral Services Manager said: ''The Council is obliged by law to contact each household to ensure that all eligible electors have the right to vote. If a form isn't returned then, from the beginning of October, we have to send an officer to make a personal visit to that property.
"Obviously this is a costly exercise and people can help us reduce these costs by sending in their forms as quickly as possible. We still need forms to be sent back even if there is no one eligible to register.”
John Street, Electoral Registration Officer, added: “It's also worth remembering that the Register is used by financial bodies in the process of granting credit, and as well as missing out on the opportunity to vote, an individual may find it difficult to open a bank account, for example."
Anyone who hasn't received a form should contact the Electoral Services Office on 01392 265141.