It's nearly time for the Jolly Good Jaunt!
The wait is almost over. The hour is very nearly at hand.
Sunday (29 October) will see this year’s epic 7.5-mile Jolly Good Jaunt walk from the Deer Park Hotel through the breath-taking beauty of the autumnal East Devon countryside. This year promises to be bigger and better than ever.
Advance bookings including online registration (www.jollygoodjaunt.co.uk) closed on 24 October but you can still sign up on the day itself with entry being £20 for adults and £10 per child.
The NEW nature trail consisting of a scavenger hunt, nature bingo, crafting and storytelling all within the Deer Park grounds, is only £10 per child and £5 per accompanying adult. Wellies are highly recommended for the Trail. Everyone whether Jaunting or Nature Trailing will receive a Hog Roast from midday onwards.
Ginny Tilly has signed up for the Jaunt as one of 60 walks she`s undertaking to celebrate her 60th birthday.
“I had been wondering how to celebrate turning 60 this year,” she says. “I had the idea that what I would really love to do was 60 walks over the year with friends and family, which also had the benefit of being a way to get fitter for body and mind...So far I have done 38 walks…
"When I saw the Hospiscare leaflet promoting A Jolly Good Jaunt, I immediately decided to take part. Not only would it be a beautiful walk in an area I don`t know, but it was for a charity I have a lot of respect for. I've been lucky enough not to have had direct help from the charity myself, but I have friends who have said what a huge difference was made by the support they received from Hospiscare both for them and for their loved ones in their final days.”
If you want to sponsor Ginny, visit her online fundraising page. To join the Jolly Good Jaunt, click here.
Hospiscare is a local adult hospice charity, providing free, high quality care and support to people with any type of terminal illness, and those close to them, in Exeter, Mid and East Devon. A gift to Hospiscare in your Will helps to ensure the future of the charity in Devon for generations to come.