What are We Doing About Exeter’s Triple Crown Status?

It was exciting to hear that the great and the good ventured up to London recently to see the launch of Exeter’s Triple Crown status on Bill Boards and in Underground Stations, maximising Exeter’s profile to London businesses who may be contemplating doing business with the region or relocating to this beautiful area of ours. BUT, what about the businesses based in Exeter that would also like to shout about Exeter’s buoyant, trend bucking successes; something all of us based in Exeter are part of?

A little while back we raised the idea of a Triple Crown logo to be developed for Exeter for use by businesses on their websites, on their stationery and also on their promotional materials and, if there were worthy projects within the city needing some financial assistance, that each business could be charged a small amount for the privilege of using the logo.

This would allow local businesses to promote the success brought to this city by the University, the College and the Museum and also highlight Exeter’s standing in the business community as a great place to do business in as well as raise funds for a deserving cause.

As this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for Exeter and we are already nearing the end of the first quarter, we need to get our skates on if we want to capitalise on this!

Our suggestion was deemed a good one but no action has been taken, so not being backward in coming forward, we would like to hear from all Exeter-based companies that would like to promote a Triple Crown logo to endorse their involvement in promoting this fine city before this opportunity is completely lost.

We would also welcome contact from organisations trying to raise money for worthy causes in the city. To register your interest in this idea contact us via our contact form on our site here www.theplumconsultancy.com and let’s make this happen.

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