User groups onboard with updated Exe Estuary codes of conduct
Today the Exe Estuary Management Partnership (EEMP) launched new codes of conduct for people enjoying activities on the Exe Estuary.
The codes will encourage safe and responsible behaviour on the Exe, for the benefit of all estuary users. They cover a wide range of uses on and around the Exe Estuary, updating previous advice to users. They include:
• Water Users Code
• Shore Code
• Dawlish Warren Code
• Dog Walking Code
• Bait Collectors Code
• Personal Water Craft (PWC) Code
• Exeter Canoe & Kayak Loops (funded by local businesses)
The codes can be found at club headquarters and local businesses around the Exe, as well as various libraries and Tourist Information Centres. They are also available online at www.exe-estuary.org.
The EEMP worked extensively with local with local users over a six-month period, as well as national recreational bodies to review the previous codes. The updated codes are supported by a number of local clubs and groups, as well as safety bodies, including the RNLI, Exmouth Coastwatch and Beach Lifeguards.
The Chair of the EEMP, Councillor Jeff Trail BEM said: “Since my involvement with the Exe Estuary Management Partnership as Chairman, Steph and I have worked hard to engage with all commercial and recreational users of the Exe Estuary. We have listened and reacted accordingly to all groups. We would now wish to move forward as a partnership and hope that all users will promote the Exe and enjoy all that is on offer.”
Stephanie Clark, Exe Estuary Officer said: “The Exe Estuary attracts thousands of visitors throughout the year and many are not part of a club. The codes will help local people and visitors understand how to respect others and act in a safe and responsible way. The updated codes of conduct will play an essential part in the ongoing conservation of the estuary.”
“Any local clubs and businesses, who would like copies of the code to share, can contact us or download them from the EEMP website. We want as many people as possible to know about the new codes, so we’re asking people to share them on their websites and on social media.”
The EEMP carried out the review and updating of the codes on behalf of South East Devon Habitat Regulations Partnership (SEDHRP), which is a partnership of Exeter City, Teignbridge and East Devon District Councils. The production of these new codes of conduct is one of a suite of measures being carried out to protect wildlife from increased pressure linked to the growing local population.
For more information visit www.exe-estuary.org
Email: exeestua@devon.gov.uk