Appeal to trace relatives of Freda Elsie Maud Burnell
Neil Milkins is appealing to Exeter Daily readers to help locate relatives, living in the Exeter area, of Freda Elsie Maud Burnell.
Neil writes:
Eight-year-old, Teignmouth-born Freda was murdered in Abertillery, Monmouthshire, (now Gwent) in February 1921.
Freda and her family had moved to Abertillery from Devon for her father Frederick George Burnell to work in the local colliery.
After Freda's murder the family moved back to Devon and a number of the family members lived in Exeter.
One of Freda's sisters, Doris Ivy Burnell, married Lesley Rew and they had five children. One of the them was Joy Howell nee Rew who, until about two years ago, had lived in May Street in Exeter, where she died.
Around 11 years ago Joy sent me a number of photographs of the Burnell family to use in a book that I had published in 2008 titled Every Mother's Nightmare - Abertillery in Mourning.
On Saturday 4 August 2018 a memorial service is being held at the Metropole Theatre, Abertillery for Freda and Florence Irene Little, aged 11, who was murdered in July 1921. Both girls were murdered by 15 year-old Harold Jones. (Google Freda Burnell/Florence Little.)
About 50 members of the two girls' families are travelling from various parts of Britain for the memorial service and for the re-dedication of the girls' restored memorials. A buffet is then being provided for all who wish to attend.
Entrance to the memorial service, re-dedication and buffet is by (free) ticket and I would be very happy to reserve tickets for anyone wishing to attend.
Neil can be contacted by email at: n.milkin@sky.com or on 07989 555 376.
Neil Milkins
True Crime author