Star Spangled Kyrangle
Stargazing in Digby with local astronomer Dr Claire Davies
Perseids Shooting Stars, myths, storytelling, latest in astronomy
One evening during the week of 13 August, date depends on weather
Please contact us if you are planning to come. More info and how to keep informed at https://workingwithgold.org.uk/kyrangle.
#stars #stargazing #meteors #shootingstars #Perseids #M5galaxy #myths #stories #storytelling #navigation #navigatingbythestars #astronomy #astrophysics #astronomer #research #lookingup #staringintothesky #clearskies #cloudfree #fingerscrossed #legsarmseyescrossed #Kyrangle #Digby #StLoyes #Exeter #WorkingwithGold #loverhymes #noUSflagsinvolved