Local residents to receive important voter registration information
Households in East Devon will soon be receiving a form asking residents to check whether the information that appears on the electoral register for those living at their address is correct as part of East Devon’s annual voter registration canvass.
The aim of the form is to ensure that the electoral register is up to date and to identify any residents who are not registered so that they can be encouraged to do so.
With District and Town/Parish Council elections taking place across East Devon in May 2019, this is an opportunity for residents to make sure that when the elections take place they will easily be able to take part.
Mark Williams, Electoral Registration Officer at East Devon, said: “You need to register in order to be able to vote. If you aren’t registered to vote, you won’t have the chance to have a say on who represents you. Some people also register to vote because they want to apply for credit. Credit reference agencies use the register to confirm where someone lives when they apply for credit in order to counteract fraud.
"When your form arrives, simply check the information on it. If all the information is correct and nothing has changed, follow the instructions at the top of page two of the form. If anything is wrong with the information on the form or if any names need to be removed from your address either amend the form accordingly and return it to us in the prepaid envelope provided, or go to the website address that is at the top of page two, enter the two numbers of your security code and follow the website instructions. Please be aware that use of this website does not mean that you are registered.
"Once we have received your amendments, we’ll send you an invitation to register form. This will provide you with further information on how to finally complete your registration. Alternatively, if you prefer, you can just go online and apply to register at www.gov.uk/register-to-vote. Please be aware that you will need your National Insurance number and date of birth to do this.
"It’s particularly important that anyone who has recently moved looks out for the form and checks whether they are registered at their new address.”
Any residents who have any questions can contact the electoral services team at electoralservices@eastdevon.gov.uk or on 01395 571529