Start driving traffic to your website with these 5 tips and tricks
In today’s business world, having your operations online is almost mandatory for you to get a fair cut of the cake in your industry of specialization. Setting up a website in itself may be a process, but it gets even more challenging to make it as visible as possible online. It is only when your website is more visible online, that it will best fulfill its agenda or makes you money.
And whether you’re an affiliate marketer or you’re running a website for your business, the number of visitors you receive has a huge impact on your website’s profitability. Forgive the seemingly obvious utterances, but not all websites become visible online enough to make a dime for the owner. And what’s more, not all websites that rank high or become visible in their first days live to tell the story. In other words, the amount of traffic your website receives has a huge impact on its success.
1. Keep Your Content House in Order
Time and time again, you’ll come across the phrase “content is king”, especially during your helter-skelter errands as an online entrepreneur seeking more information. However, what you do with this information is what counts most. For starters, content has an enticing aspect, depending on its quality and how it is structured. Additionally, quality has an effect on how content marketing will perform in retaining existing customers and recruiting new ones. In this age and day, structure, complexity, size, and quantity always matter when it comes to content marketing. This means that to capture most of your target market, you’ll want to have an effective content marketing strategy in place.
You’ll need to, first of all, understand your target market and ensure that what you give to them is not only relevant to them; but is also helpful and problem-solving in some instances. Your website’s content will do best when it’s easy to understand and maybe simple and interesting enough for the layman to comprehend. And when talking about content, we’re definitely referring to more than textual and blog content. This includes images, videos, podcasts, and even eBooks. After all, it is what you have to offer that will attract and keep visitors to your site. Continue providing your current visitors with great content and they’ll even become more than just visitors but customer, repeat clients, and even references. “But what does a successful content marketing approach involve?”, one may ask.
As might or might not have been hinted out earlier, the name tells it all. Content can be a wide range of online material, including blog posts, images, and eBooks, videos, podcasts, and infographics. Nonetheless, textual content tends to be the most common and influential piece of the puzzle. In addition to keeping it fresh and up-to-date, always, your marketing content should be optimized with the relevant and high-volume keywords in your specific industry. This is part of what quality content means. All in all, you have to keep the king’s house in order if at all you’re to ace it on keeping your website traffic high. You need to bear in mind that the content you post on your website must be original, if it's not, it can do irreparable damage to your credibility. There are tools avaialble such as https://www.duplichecker.com/ which can protect you.
2. Develop a Strategic Link Building Strategy
If you’re one of those online entrepreneurs who wonder what else other than content can keep their website visitors coming back in their high numbers, you can be rest assured you’re not alone. Link building is yet another great strategy you can use to increase the number of website visitors you receive daily or monthly. As a matter of fact, backlinks are an important piece of the puzzle when it comes to search engine optimization. Website links can either be inbound or outbound. Inbound links are those that lead to your site from other sites or online platforms.
On the other hand, outbound links are those that direct your prospective visitors to other high-quality information at other websites. But then again, we also have internal links, which lead the user to another page or section with relevant information within the site just from the click of the mouse button. In summary, link building is one of the most effective strategies when it comes to SEO and increasing traffic. In addition to supporting traffic, backlinks are also helpful in that they define the structure and architecture of a website. When using backlinks, however, you have to be sure to place them on the right content, use the appropriate anchor text, and refrain from overdoing the use of keywords.
3. Stay at Par with Your Traffic Statistics
Well, you can employ every manner of strategies, approaches, and technologies but still fail to achieve that one goal you’re looking for. Well, this doesn't only happen in the world of internet marketing, it tends to be a general phenomenon in business. One of the best ways to start driving traffic to your website is to notice the need. And before you determine the best ways to increase web traffic, you’ll obviously have to know your company and its target customers from the inside and out. To drive more traffic to your site, you need to have a target to chase. In other words, you need to know how much traffic you’re receiving currently and analyze this to find out what you can do to up these numbers. In this case, there are a couple of questions you need to ask yourself. Some of these should include the following:
- What are the most effective methods to track website traffic?
- How much traffic I’m I getting currently?
- How many unique visitors do I get each day/weak/month?
- How many views do I get on average per page?
- Where do most of my traffic come from?
- On average, how much time do my users spend on the site?
- What’s my site’s bounce rate?
- On average, how many pages do my users view per session?
It might sound ironic, but point number one tends to be the most important question to ask yourself and find a good answer for. All the questions that follow will be answered by the traffic tracking tool you choose to use. In this case, some of the best traffic tracking tools include Google Analytics, Clicky Analytics, and Mixpanel, just to name a few.
With the help of one of these tools, be sure to keep a constant and consistent check of your website’s traffic. This will allow you to measure just how much your current internet marketing approaches are paying off. With a keen eye, you will most probably discover your weak areas, those that need more effort as well as those that need ditching. Well, the guy might have been a little harsh but Albert’s definition of insanity is very true. You just can’t keep doing things the same way and expect different results! You need to find out what is working for you and what is not.
4. Utilize the Power of Images
There’s no need to stress it any further, but a picture is indeed worth a thousand words. One of the most effective ways to increase traffic is to include photos on your website. We wouldn’t call it image marketing but rather; images can be a powerful tool to attract an audience. This is why most, if not all social media platforms prioritize on the user’s ability to share images on the platforms. As a matter of fact, a couple of research studies have shown that visual content is 40 times more powerful than other types of content when it comes to social media sharing. Combine quality content with SEO and some eye-catching photos and your website might need a new hosting plan to accommodate the furious incoming traffic in the next few months.
The good thing is about photos is that you don’t always have to capture some yourself. You can either invest in hiring a skilled photographer or subscribing to online stock photo platform. If you’d rather watch your budget, there are a couple of free stock photo sites you can still use to get amazing eye-catching photos relevant to your site and save on costs. Sites such as Pixabay, Unsplash, Pexels, HubSpot, and the ISO Republic are just a few among the many. Utilizing the power of images, get it right, and see your traffic grow by the minute.
5. Bump up Your Social Media Use
Yes, organic search is currently the biggest thing ever when it comes to website traffic. This is because, in the world of today, people tend to trust search engines more than they do qualified professionals. As a matter of fact, “Just Google it” has become a highly popular phrase, that it’s now a verb and is described as common slang by popular dictionaries. But then again, who doesn’t use social media in the world of today? Social networking platforms are a rich hub for business in the modern world. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, and you name it; these social sites are amazing in all aspects of Business. Whether you’re looking to promote your brand, build a reputation, find connections or simply stay present, all you need to do is to have the right strategy. If you’re a bit experienced or knowledgeable as an online entrepreneur, you most probably know by now that social media marketing is an important piece of the puzzle when it comes to internet marketing. And to start driving or increase traffic from your site, you can’t ignore the power of social media.
But you’ll only get more traffic from social media if you approach it the right way. Depending on where most of your prospective or current clients spend their time, consider creating a detailed profile on various social platforms and provide meaningful content. Make it shareable, engaging, and optimized with the right keywords to attract your target audience. Most importantly, do not forget to include links that redirect back to your website. Additionally, make sure you include sharing widgets on your site so that your visitors can tell the world about your business or your website for you whenever they please if they find it inspiring. Be sure to ace it on platforms such as Facebook, IG, and Twitter, and even Quora and Reddit! Social media platforms can also double up as customer service platforms for your website in addition to providing you with the opportunity to increase your traffic.
6. Content Outreach and Guest Posting
You still want more traffic? Well, you might have to get more content for your “other” audience. Yes, there’s nothing wrong with your content strategy and perhaps you’ve aced it well on the previously mentioned pointers. But you might be leaving a huge part of your prospective audience unsatisfied and hungry for more. This could be negatively affecting your web traffic. Another great way to improve traffic is through guest posts and content outreach. So long as it isn’t spammy or keyword stuffing, you can always republish content and get backlinks from authority sites and large publications. Consider sites such as the entrepreneur, Huff Post, Lifehacker, The Verge, and The Next Web, just to name a few. Look for relevant content you can republish from those sites, syndicate it, and make sure you link back to the site where you got the original article.
7. Utilize Paid Ads
Well, not so many people like the idea of using paid ads. This is mostly because unless you’re very strategic about where to use them, internet users don’t really care much. As a matter of fact, most internet users tend to trust organic search results more than paid ads on search engines such as Google. Well, in addition to Google Adwords, other paid ads you can consider for more traffic to your site may include the following:
- Bing Ads
- Reddit Ads
- Stumbleupon Ads
- Facebook Ads
- Linked In Ads
- Twitter Ads
8. Email Marketing
Email marketing is one of the most important internet marketing approaches. As long as you’re a determined online entrepreneur, email marketing is one thing that you can’t afford to ignore. Even with the coming of most other forms of digital communication, email marketing remains undead. This is, arguably because email communication tends to have a unique professional touch. And let’s not sugarcoat things here, you’ll have a fair share of your target market audience that is more loyal to direct emails from your company. When carefully crafted, optimized, and customized, emails can be really convincing even to the most stubborn target client or internet user. Additionally, emails are sharable and always traceable. All you need to do is to build an email list, and convince your first-time or repeat visitors to subscribe for updates on products and services as well as your weekly or monthly newsletters. This is not only a great strategy to improve traffic, but also increase conversion rates and boost overall performance.
Increasing traffic to your site maximizes your chances of making more profits from website marketing. But to increase your traffic, you need a solid internet marketing strategy, especially when it comes to SEO. If you’re keen enough, email marketing, social media marketing, content marketing, paid ads, link building, and the other mentioned traffic bumping approaches have one thing in common. They will all depend on search engine optimization or its similar concepts at almost every point of execution. This makes hiring a professional SEO Company one of the most important things to focus on when looking to start driving traffic to your website and keep it that way.