Ribbon cutting ceremony opens new clinic for Exeter Osteopaths
After six years based at Belmont Road, Exeter Osteopaths Limited announce a relocation to a larger dedicated clinic in the centre of the city. Patients and visitors were invited to a special open-day to view the new clinic and meet the expanding team. The practice was started by Daniel Hayward and Toby Borradaile as a cottage industry in Toby’s front room in 2006. Since that time the practice has grown and following the move to new premises they have re-branded as ‘Magdalen Health’, expanding the team of therapists to 10.
Exeter-based International athletes, Steve Crowley Phil Wylie made the day extra special by carrying out a ribbon cutting ceremony to officially open the new active health clinic.
Steve Crowley lost his leg below the knee as the result of an Improvised Explosive device in Iraq in March 2010. Overcoming diversity, he turned to sport and at the end of the 2017 season he was selected on to the World class performance squad for Para Triathlon - his aim is to represent Great Britain at the 2020 Tokyo Paralympics.
Phil Wylie has been involved in triathlon and duathlon for 20 years and been representing Great Britain at elite level for the last 12 years in international duathlon. Gaining many medals along the way, he has been twice national champion. Phil said: “I was attracted to Exeter Osteopaths as Toby has an interest and specialism in sport injury; and it’s a real family affair as my wife Kiera is also a patient, and Jack my baby son has had treatment.”
With experience in working with top rugby clubs, most notably the England deaf rugby team, and a keen sports person himself, Toby Borradaile used to play semi-professional rugby at London Wasps. As well as working at Exeter Osteopaths, Toby regularly travels to London working alongside leading athletes and top trainers at a specialist private corrective exercise clinic.
Toby Borradaile - B.S.C (Hons) Ost. Registered Osteopath & Sports Injury Specialist said: “We’re delighted Phil and Steve agreed to officially open our wonderful new building in prestigious St. Leonards. The new active health clinic is in a great location for patients and means we have room for further expansion, enabling us to add to our growing team of therapists and the range of treatments we can now offer.”
Co-owner Daniel is a registered osteopath and specialist cranial osteopath, with a special interest in the treatment of babies and children. He has gained much experience in this field using cranial osteopathy, a gentle treatment which helps unwind stresses in the body and restoring health.
Daniel Hayward - B.Sc. (Hons) Ost, B.Sc. (Hons) Psych. Registered Osteopath and Specialist Cranial Osteopath said: “Cranial Osteopathy is such a different approach to traditional Osteopathy and used to treat very young patients and babies. We can even use it to treat Mum’s whilst they are pregnant.”
Following a difficult birth, local mother Sarah Bryant has been utilising Daniel’s expertise for her six-month old baby daughter Francesca. Sarah said: “It was a really quick birth and as a result the baby came out a little bit twisted. The first three months of life was tough for us as a family; if she wasn’t sleeping she was screaming, and I could never leave the house - I got extremely low. The cranial treatment by Dan is gentle and Francesca was not in any pain; in fact, she slept through most of the treatments. Dan helped to stop the screaming in just two weeks, and it’s massively changed our lives.” She adds: “Francesca has been getting better and better and is now a normal, beautiful, happy and smiley baby. Dan’s expertise and support gave me back my freedom and confidence as a Mum, and he continues to look after her as she grows, to check everything is still working perfectly. I’m just so thankful.