Making the Most of Opportunities: How to Expand your Business in 2019

Claire Small
Authored by Claire Small
Posted Tuesday, December 4, 2018 - 11:09am

For many businesses, the new year offers the perfect opportunity to address their business model, and consider areas for improvement. It can be difficult depending on the size of your business and the budget you have to know exactly how to improve your business, but below you can find some suggestions that could see you take your business to new heights.

Reassess Your Business Goals

Having defined goals and a strategic plan in place is the bread and butter of business, however over time, it can be easy for your business goals to grow tired, and for your strategy to become unfocused. The new year is an excellent opportunity to take stock of the year that has passed and reassess the way you run your business. Take the chance to discover any areas where improvements are needed and address this sooner rather than later, so you can start 2019 with a fresh perspective. 

Get social

If smashing your social media campaigns are not part of your business plan, then you are already setting yourself up to fail. Social media marketing has altered the way businesses connect with customers, and any opportunity to further your outreach should be maximised by your company, regardless of your expertise. If necessary, take on a social media executive to manage your channels. Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook are all big players in the game.

Spend time investing in your social media campaigns to help your business thrive. Some easy ways to connect to customers include:

- Live video streams on Instagram
- Competitions on Facebook
- Twitter polls
- Blog posts

Go global

If the opportunity arises, maybe 2019 is the perfect year to take your business global. If you are already working within the European market, tapping into the Eastern market can see your business boom. China is the fastest growing emerging market, and depending on the industry you are in, you may need to adapt your company, and seek services to help with communication and document translation into Chinese. Do not let language barriers hold you back with this endeavour and capitalise on the opportunity to branch out with globalisation.

Find new ways to connect to customers

The ways that you connect with customers should always be evolving as technology and consumer experience develops. This may involve optimising your website for keyword research, focusing on investing in chatbot services for your sites, or seeking ways to make your customer experience better.

Chatbots are beneficial as they show to your customers that you are actively focused on ensuring their questions are answered as soon as possible. Due to the automation feature, it involves less human involvement, leaving you to focus on other aspects of your business, while keeping customers happy at the same time. You have time to focus on the important stuff, and your customers feel cared for, valued and listened to. It’s a win-win.

To Conclude

Depending on the size of your business, taking advantage of the above suggestions could be the right answer for you to expand your business. The main factor to consider when growing your business is to take any opportunity possible, and with the correct investment of time and effort, you can rest assured you will reach new heights in the coming year.

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