InExeter offers £8,000 funding pot to support community events
Applications are now open for funding from Exeter’s business improvement district, InExeter, with £8,000 being allocated for the year commencing 1 April 2019.
The funding round is open to community event and project groups, with a maximum allocation of £3,000 for each individual event or activity.
InExeter hopes to support community events and projects which bring people into the city and add to the cultural, music, arts or health and wellbeing scene.
Previously InExeter has supported events including the Exeter Santa Run, Exeter Street Arts Festival, Big Screen in the Park, RAMM’s Carnival of Animals, EXE Access, Exeter Floral Trail, University of Exeter’s Chinese parade and Devon Bead Fair.
Ann Hunter, InExeter manager, says: “Exeter hosts many amazing cultural and community events that give people stand-out experiences when they visit the city and encourage people to keep coming back to our city centre.
"We want to support community groups to put on their own events helping them to bring their ideas to life. We welcome applications from new events and those wishing to add new features and expand existing events.”
The deadline for applications is 31 March 2019. Projects and events must be delivered in 2019 – 2020. For more information and to apply visit www.inexeter.com