The Benefits of Conducting Employee Satisfaction Surveys

David Banks
Authored by David Banks
Posted Wednesday, February 20, 2019 - 11:49am

Do you know how your workforce feels about working for you? Are you under the impression that everything is fine because nobody has said anything to the contrary? There’s a direct link between employee satisfaction and company success. Once you find out how your employees feel, it’s guaranteed to help your business. If your employees are happy, they will be more committed and productive. How do you discover whether your employees feel satisfied working for you, or whether they wish to change specific elements? An employee satisfaction survey is an ideal way to do so, and below we’ve listed four benefits of undertaking this task. 

1. Helps Identify Areas of Strength

Employee satisfaction surveys help you identify areas of your business that are good. With this information,you can look at building on your success. It could be the last office party helped boost morale, in which case you need to think about organising another one. Perhaps some of your employees appreciate the opportunity they’ve been given to work on their professional development. You can then consider rolling out the program across the whole of your team.  

2. Uncovers Areas that Aren’t Quite so Good

A useful survey will also reveal areas that aren’t quite so good. It’s not always easy to hear what employees consider needs improving, but it’s important you give them the opportunity to voice their opinions. Inpulse is a company that can help you introduce such a process. Let your employees know they’ve been heard and show you’re dedicated to improving the workplace for everyone.  

3. Saves Time and Money

If your employees are unhappy, they will soon be looking for new employment, and you might find yourself short staffed. It costs a lot of time and money to look for new employees. Therefore, it’s far more cost effective to keep the team you’ve already got motivated and happy. If you introduce satisfaction surveys, you’ll be able to identify areas you need to concentrate on. 

4. Positive Working Environment

Employee surveys can help to create a positive working environment. Asking your employees for their opinions shows them that you value what they say and that their opinions count. Knowing that management is listening to what they’ve got to say and acting on the issues raised makes them feel they have a bigger stake in the company. Giving them the opportunity for open feedback creates a culture of trust, fairness, and accountability.

Once one survey has been conducted, it can act as a point of reference. Make it the first of many, and you'll be able to track changes. You could be gathering information about the company, the workplace, or new products and services you’re offering to customers. Your employees are in an ideal position if you want to know what your customers are thinking. 

What you do with the information is just as important as the survey itself. Create a plan and carry out actions to correct any issues. As you conduct more surveys over time, you’ll be able to evaluate what worked and what didn’t and whether your business has moved forward. If you take the time to conduct a satisfaction survey, you also have to take steps to ensure you continue to build a happy and engaged workforce for your business. 


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