RD&E comes third nationally in latest NHS Staff Survey

The RD&E has achieved one of the highest scores in the country in the latest NHS Staff Survey.

The trust came third in the country compared to other similar NHS trusts when staff were asked if they would recommend the organisation as a place to work or receive treatment - with 85.8% of staff recommending the RD&E. 

The RD&E also came out in third place nationally on the survey’s overall staff engagement indicator, scoring 7.32 out of 10 compared to the national average of 7.0.  This was a ‘significant improvement’ on last year’s score according to the NHS Staff Survey team and underlined a co-ordinated programme of activities to positively engage staff in change and transform the Trust’s culture.  

Overall, over 4,200 members of staff at the RD&E responded to the survey – 53% of its staff. This is up 11% over two years and placed the RD&E second place in the country for response rate compared to similar acute and community trusts.  Compared to 2017, the Trust has improved its performance in a number of key areas including satisfaction with the level of pay (39%), staff views on whether the care of patients/service users being the organisation’s top priority (85%) and staff knowing the identities of the senior managers in the Trust (69%). In response to some other questions, the score declined in 2018: there was a 4% reduction in staff saying that they had work objectives agreed during their appraisal; and there was a 4% reduction in staff being able to manage conflicting demands on their time. 

Tracey Cottam, RD&E Director of Transformation and Stakeholder Engagement said, “The survey results demonstrate that the RD&E has an incredibly dedicated and talented team who work hard to put patients and users first. I am pleased that the work we have done over the last few years in recognising the importance of engaged, motivated and empowered staff is really paying off. More remains to be done of course and we will focus on areas that we now need to improve so we can maintain and expand on our successes.”

“Over the next year we will do more to listen to staff, connect with them and support innovative approaches to transforming how we design and deliver care to the communities we serve”.

The NHS Staff Survey is the largest annual workforce survey in the world and participation is mandatory for all NHS organisations in England. The survey was carried out independently by Picker Institute Europe on behalf of the RD&E.

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