Exeter Pride and Exeter Mosque panel discussion

News Desk
Authored by News Desk
Posted Thursday, April 11, 2019 - 11:02pm

Exeter Pride in partnership with Inclusive Mosque Exeter is holding a Panel Discussion on Friday 26 April 2019 at Exeter Guildhall.  The topic is Religion, Culture and Sexuality  and is a timely opportunity to discuss the issues arising when people struggle to reconcile their faith or culture with their sexuality. 

The doors will open at 6.30 pm with the Panel Discussion starting at 7.00 pm.  The Panel members, from diverse religious and cultural backgrounds will each address the topic from their particular perspective. There will then be time for questions and answers.  

The event is free but numbers at the Guildhall are limited so anyone wishing to come along is advised to register with Eventbrite - 




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