Voice Over Acting as a Career

David Banks
Authored by David Banks
Posted Thursday, July 4, 2019 - 8:48am

We all have a memory of a character from our favorite Disney movie from when we were younger and how the actor who gave their voice to this character brought it to life for us. It might have even inspired you to try your hand at voice over work. And if you have ever been told you have a voice for radio or you speak really well, you might have considered it as a potential career path. Perhaps you have been told your voice is warm, soothing and even comforting? Can you convey emotion or humor in your voice? If so, you might make a great voice over artist. 

Voice over acting is an interesting and exciting career choice, as the work is varied, the clients can be local or international, and work hours are often flexible. Read on to find out if this is a career for you.

How to Kick-Start Your Voice Over Career

The first thing you should do if you have asked yourself how to become a voice over actor is to contact an agency or coach that specializes in voice overs. Professional guidance in the tone, range and pitch of your voice will guide you better in deciding on which category of voice over acting you would be suited to. Are you suited for animation, corporate or children’s content? These are just a few of the categories you can work in.

Once you understand more about how your voice is perceived, you can concentrate on the area/s you have been advised on. Listening to actors in the category you are interested in would be of utmost importance in jump-starting your career. You can get a better feel of how the pros do it, to better guide your career choice going forward.

Practice Makes Perfect

Why not make your passion for voice over a hobby, or a way to make some extra money? In this modern age of the internet gig economy, making extra money with your voice can not only give you something in return for your practice, but it can help you gain experience too. It is a perfect way to start your career in voice over acting too.

Think about starting a podcast – it gives you valuable practice not only in voice over acting, but in producing your own audio and identifying what gear you need to be successful as a freelance voice over artist.

Investing Time in Your Career

While we are talking about gear, why not consider setting up a simple recording studio at home and practicing scripts? It is a great way to hone your talent and find something unique about your voice and acting that you can offer your clients. Working on auditions and sending voice demos to possible agencies and clients in your category may be time-consuming but will pay off in the long run. Spend time getting your recordings into the right hands.

Voice over acting can be incredibly rewarding, but it will also mean hard work and dedication. If you are motivated and ready for the challenge, you can have fun and meet all kinds of interesting people in this dynamic and exciting career!

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