Bikeability cycle training for 7,000 children in Devon

News Desk
Authored by News Desk
Posted Friday, October 25, 2019 - 11:27am

Bikeability cycle training will be provided to more than 7,000 children in Devon next year thanks to a successful bid by Devon County Council.

Devon is receiving a £280,000 grant through the initiative as part of the Government’s announcement of £13 million funding nationwide for next year’s programme.

Bikeability offers three levels of training, providing children with important cycling skills and confidence to help them cycle more safely and more often.

Devon County Council has helped almost 80,000 children to take part in the cycle training since 2006. They are among more than three million young people nationally that have undertaken the training.

Councillor Stuart Hughes, Devon County Council Cabinet Member with responsibility for cycling, said: “It’s a great achievement to have made another successful bid for Bikeability funding and over the years we’ve been able to secure a total of more than £2.75 million to deliver cycle training in Devon. Bikeability has always proven extremely popular in the county and an incredible amount of young people have taken part in the training.

“If those taking part in Bikeability make cycling a part of their daily life for getting to school or for taking regular exercise then not only does it benefit their health but it also benefits the environment, reducing carbon emissions and improving air quality."

Secondary schools are being reminded that they are able to host free Bikeability Level 3 courses, which is the final stage of the training. This equips trainees with skills for more challenging roads and situations where traffic is busier, in order to understand driver blind spots and how to pass queuing traffic. Level 3 training is delivered in groups of up to three.

Free two-hour cycle confidence sessions are also available to adults to either help them learn to ride a bike or brush up on their cycling skills. Sessions can also provide advice on suitable routes and offer tips for riding as a family.

For more information go to or visit the Bikeability website. Alternatively email or call 0345 155 1004.

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