How to balance running a business with your home life

Claire Small
Authored by Claire Small
Posted Thursday, November 28, 2019 - 10:07am

Running your own business is an incredibly rewarding experience, but it can also be extremely challenging, especially when it comes to making time for your family and even yourself. But don’t worry – even these 3 small steps will make it easier for you to keep a better work-life balance and gain control over how you spend your time.

Keep Work and Home Totally Separate

When running your own business, it can be easy for work to slip into your home life, particularly if you work from home. Making sure you keep work apart from home life will make it easier to transition as well as dedicate the right amount of time to each. If you work from home, isolate a particular area of the house for work, and only use it for that. Likewise, the rest of your home should be purely for relaxing, so don’t bring work into it. You should also keep a schedule – plan out your working days, and stick to it. The Mental Health Foundation emphasises assuring these are separate so you can shut off one area and focus on the other. Otherwise, you’ll never feel satisfied. And, when we say shut off, we mean shut off – no emails, calls, or anything else!

Review Your Expenses

Another stressor in running a business is the costs – running costs can dampen your income, particularly if you don’t plan them carefully. Look over everything you spend, and see if you can get it cheaper. Spending heaps on stationary? Buy in bulk. Use a vehicle for your business? Find Motor Trade Insurance with reasonable costs. Review your bills, and shop around – companies will often offer deals to new customers, getting you the best deals. Since money may be short, you want to save as much as possible. Having a little extra cash means you can take the kids to the cinema, treat your spouse to dinner at a nice restaurant, or save up for something you’ve been eyeing for a while. Improving the quality of your family time will make it better for you and for your family, which will make up for lost time.

Look After Your Mental Health

Having so much to do both at home and at work can be overwhelming. It’s important to take steps to make sure you’re looking after yourself, or else both work and home will feel awful to be in. It’s easy to constantly think about your business – at times like these, writing everything down that’s going on in your mind can help to stop your brain buzzing constantly. This also means you don’t need to worry about forgetting things, and that when you come back to your business, you’ll be able to get right back into it. You should also take breaks and keep daily reminders of things that are going well – this is good for when it feels everything is going wrong and for grounding you back down to earth.

These 3 steps will help make it easier for you to balance running your business with your home life and make the most of each.

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