New Year - New fitness regime

Claire Small
Authored by Claire Small
Posted Tuesday, December 24, 2019 - 3:40pm

Each January, we make a few strong decisions that are already beginning to weaken by mid-February. How do you keep up with your new plan and resolutions in order to reach your fitness goal? This year does not have to be like any previous year. Giving up can now become a part of your past. We asked fitness experts for advice and got great answers. Below, read on how you can strengthen your body, spirit, and will, and therefore succeed in achieving your original plan.

Focus on your goals

Research has shown that results can be achieved with greater ease if you schedule your workout properly. The brain has limitations and our concentration decreases if we overstimulate ourselves. That is why it is better to do three workouts a week than to run on the lane for an hour. By exercising in shorter intervals, you will become more concentrated and more willing to exercise.

You can exercise at your home which will give you the possibility to train anytime you are up for it. You won’t have to waste your time planning ahead when you will have enough time to go to the gym. With the right equipment you can easily achieve your goals, so click here to find out more. Exercising at home is not time-consuming and is less stressful.

Training sessions of shorter duration and higher intensity have great effects and will give you the same results as those long painful exercises. The difference is that we often give up just because our training is too intense or too long.

Your first week: Happy hour and exercising in pairs

Going back to the gym after a few weeks or months can be very difficult for everyone because the habit is simply lost. But when you have a friend who will do the same with you, it pushes you forward and encourages you. With a friend, everything is much easier.

You don’t have to go to the gym or a classic aerobic workout, but it should be some good activity that will make you sweaty. You can, for example, try rock climbing (in nature or indoors), which will look like great socializing rather than a typical workout.

Week Two: Choose one exercise and take it to perfection

Pushes, tummy tucks, squats... Choose an exercise (bonus goes if you choose the one you don't like) and set aside a week to perfect it. Watch tutorials online or ask a professional trainer for help. Have faith in your body and you will surely be surprised at what you can do.

Week 3: Try a workout that you don't think is right for you

For some, it is dance-cardio, for others weight training... Try to go to workouts for a whole week. Choose the one you thought would never fit you or you wouldn’t do properly. The chances that the training will be full of beginners are great - because new year-new you, so it will be much easier for you.

Week Four: Exercise every day

Yes, every day. But don't worry; you shouldn't do this for more than a week. You can try to fully stretch and relax with yoga or Pilates. So for a week, you should exercise every day. You can also combine various exercises - from stronger to weaker.

We are confident that after these four weeks, you will be able to stay on your fitness path and meet your goals by summer. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should stop exercising and keeping an eye on your diet after these four weeks.

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