Why you must periodically inspect your fire safety equipment

David Banks
Authored by David Banks
Posted Thursday, January 30, 2020 - 10:45am

Ensuring safety in the workplace is of critical importance to employers. Steps are usually followed in accordance with the law particularly when a new business starts up or indeed when a company moves premises. This is also true of our homes – smoke detectors and fire extinguishers are likely to be purchased and fitted, but how often do you check them?

Once the necessary precautions are put in place and the job is ticked off the to-do list, it would be easy to forget about them. However, it is imperative that companies undertake regular checks to ensure their equipment is still not only functional but in good working order. Waiting until an emergency to find out something needs replacing could have devastating results. 

This is particularly pertinent with regards your fire safety equipment, given the severity of the potential outcome. Indeed, fires are one of the most preventable causes of accidents and can be avoided if you use the appropriate fire safety equipment. Sourcing this from a reputable provider will get you one step closer to safeguarding your home or place of work so carry out the necessary research in advance of purchase. 

Inspecting your fire safety equipment is a crucial part of ensuring safety in the workplace but a thorough process could prevent a fire from starting in the first instance. So what steps can you follow to safeguard against a fire or any potential injuries as a result of one?

  • Conduct a fire safety risk assessment regularly 
  • Keep flammable substances away from potential ignition sources
  • Limit freestanding heaters etc and ensure they could not be easily knocked over
  • Remove all waste that could easily ignite
  • Ensure an alarm system is in place and train staff on what to do if it goes off
  • Make sure you have the correct fire safety equipment within easy access 
  • Keep escape routes clear and visibly marked

Fire safety equipment is often durable but dependent on the storage and usage, can be exposed to corrosion or other damage. A BAFE-approved technician should test extinguishers for wear and tear annually and once every five years, the extinguishers should be emptied in order to check for damage on the inside – some issues will not be easy to spot.

Monthly checks by the responsible person within the business can ensure access to them is still clear and that the instructions are visible to all. 

With regards alarms, these should be checked at the same point each week to avoid panic in the workforce and to ensure there are fully operational. Periodic fire drills should also be held in order to remind staff of what it is they need to do in the event of a fire. 

Annual checks should also be conducted of sprinkler systems, lighting and fire doors and must be carried out by an approved technician.

So not only are there legal requirements to check your fire safety equipment, there is also a basic requirement to care for staff or residents of your home. Equipment can get damaged or become difficult to use if we do not maintain proper standards which could result in a fire more serious than it would have been otherwise.

Avoiding a fire in the first place is always the preferred option but if that’s not possible, ensuring your equipment is working as it should be is the next best thing. 

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